The Bible Study Life Group meets every Friday morning at 10 am in the FLC Classroom (enter through the FLC/Gym, and Classroom is on the right – Nursery is in the main building, enter through the Kids Church side entrance). All are welcome – men and women, young and old. Childcare is available during our meetings.

Our current study:

We are currently doing an in-depth, chronological study of the Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

We would love to have you join us as we dive into God’s Word together!

This ministry is headed up by Sarah Cabezas.

For more information about this and other ministries at Northwest Church of God, please call or email the church office.

  • Phone: 865-523-7288
  • E-Mail:

List of all our previous and ongoing studies:

Click for a PDF of the notes from each lesson in that study:

  • Hebrew Roots / God’s Feasts & Fasts: Random lessons with a Hebraic outlook or lessons about the Feasts of God as outlined in Leviticus 23, as well as other celebrations and fasts on the Jewish calendar.
  • Follow the Rabbi: Audio lecture series by Ray Vander Laan given at the Focus on the Family Institute
  • Genesis: the beginning through God’s covenant with Abram
  • Trusting God: the story of Joseph and learning to trust God through all life throws at us
  • Out of Egypt: the book of Exodus and how God brought His people out of the bondage of Egypt
  • Into the Desert: a continuation of the book of Exodus and how God led His people through the wilderness
  • Secrets of the Holy Place: DVD series by Perry Stone that takes an in-depth Hebraic look at what God said about how the Tabernacle was to be created, how it was patterned after Heaven, what God wanted put inside, and why it is important to us still today.
  • Walking with God in the Desert: DVD series by Ray Vander Laan. Throughout the Bible, the desert functions as an image of discord, of loss of control, and of separation from the safety of society. Barren and deadly, the wasteland places of the text meant certain death without access to resources. Many times God led His people through the desert, where they learned that they would have depend on His provision for all of their needs. What are the difficult places in your life, the moments of loss and pain that can seem impossible to survive? Find God in your deserts as you travel through Sinai, Paran, Zin, the Negev, and the wilderness of Judea.
  • God’s Judgments: the book of Judges, and the Cycle of Apostasy, the Israelite people continued to circle through in their struggles to take over and possess the Promised Land.
  • The Gospels: The books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John give us an insight into Jesus – the man and the savior.